Sunday, January 21, 2007

I knew I was forgetting something!

Ever had that feeling? That you're missing something but can't quite figure out what it is? Sure you have.

Imagine my surprise when the smart one in the bunch my wife told me Saturday morning that "Nashville Star" is back on TV again. And that she had watched the replay of previously-aired episode while I was wasting time hunting Saturday morning. Surprised that we haven't even seen it advertised once this year, I asked the all customary questions. "How many episodes have we missed?", "Are the singers any good this year?", "Who're the hosts this year?", "When's it on during the week?", "Who got voted off?", "Any hotties on this year?". (I didn't actually ask her the one about the hotties. I added that for comedic value. Did it work? No? OK, movin' right along.) I must

Luckily, the show has only been on for 2 weeks, since January 11th. I've watched most of the past performances online at the website and really can't pick a favorite this soon. But I'll be tuned in to the USA Network at 9PM Central for the next 8-10 Thursday nights (set your TiVo if you have it) to start my own eliminations.

Now is the time of year that I really enjoy TV. Prison Break, 24, American Idol, Nashville Star...all I need now is for Big Brother to hurry up and begin and we'll be set for the week.

It's back to work tomorrow.



At 10:18 PM, Blogger Southern Sweetheart said...

You sound like me with all the TV shows. I can't wait for Survivor to begin and oh yes, Big Brother!!!!

I've never watched Nashville Star - maybe I should check it out.

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Get back to work!


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