Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Short and to the point

The rest of the contestants should save us the trouble and leave Lakisha, Melinda and Sabrina to duke it out. If they don't make up the final 3, there ain't a dog in Georgia. (How's that for a hick metaphor?)

They should combine Idol with Extreme Makeover and make the contest really interesting. Here are my picks for the teams:

1) Lakisha and Jenny Craig. Or maybe Kirstie Ally. Need I elaborate?

2) Melinda and Montel Williams. She needs to read his book, "Move Over Mountain". Simon nailed it tonight when he said she really didn't know how good she was.

3) Sabrina and Dr. Robert Rey of "Dr. 90210" fame. If she had a nose job, she'd be as good-looking as she is enjoyable to hear singing.

That's it for the night. Early favorites often stumble so...I may have to pick another finisher later. But for now, these are my views.



At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I was kinda turned on by the way Antonella held that microphone up to her mouth?


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